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Geography of the village Odrynky

ЗОШ І-ІІ ступенів с. ОдринкиRelief and soils. The village is located within the Volyn Polissya region. Low-lying surface. Near the village runs the Horyn River – a tributary of the Pripyat River, the Dnipro basin, which is flowing periods until recently threatened flooding of rural buildings. In 50-60s, along the left bank of its was built stone-sandy embankment, intended to protect the population from freshets and floods. The village is surrounded by this dike on all sides, but as the forests. Surface decreases from the center of the village to the river floodplain. In 60s years was did a reclamation work and as a result – a solid network of reclamation channels, drained part (area) surface used in human and agricultural use and "give" the good harvests of potatoes, rye, fodder beet, etc.

Soils mainly sod-podzol, sand and sandy-loam is also turf, meadow, marsh, peat. Along the river – flood and meadow.

Minerals: white and gray clay, sand, peat, isolated exits to the surface bog iron ore sedimentary origin.

Vegetation and wildlife: Sandy soil is poor, requiring modification of organic (manure) and mineral fertilizers. Reclaimed land fertile, but need constant care and organic-mineral makeup. The village is adjacent to the forest is severable between the Sarny and the Berezne Raions (districts) forestries. Woods mastered by man. In the forests of endangered plant species are cranberries, strawberries wild, sleep-grass, snowdrops, lilies, yellow cowslip, marsh lilies, etc. Animals – black crane, butterfly Maxaon, wild cat. From the east and south-east village surrounded by forests (burs, subors, groves), with mainly coniferous trees like: pine, spruce (in the top tier), black   rowan tree, red viburnum, hazel (in the second tier) and blueberry-cowberry-ledum palustre third tier. Among marsh vegetation – sedge, marsh calamus, sphagnum moss and hypnum moss.

Climate. On the village climate affects cold and wet north west winds. North winds in June can cause freezing night to 0 - +2 by °C, which causes damage to agriculture. Western moist air masses provide sand soil moist. The average temperature in January: -5,2 °C, in July: +18,8-20 °C. Precipitation - 540-650 ml. per year, 70-80% of falls in the warm season. The snow cover is stable (height 12 cm), Sometimes winter is overdue, rain, no snow cover, but with frost, snow sometimes reaches 12 cm.

Церква святої ікони Божої МатеріSocio-cultural sphere of the village. In Odrynky are nine schools, where on the 2010/2011 academic year trained 124 students; school graduates continue their studies in higher education of  Raion (district), Oblast (province), Ukraine. Children are taught 17 teachers, almost all of them have higher education. The village is a club – the center of cultural and media work. It was held in a general mass action and pass the holidays. Since 2003, the act became Orthodox Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. It was built by the funds themselves and parishioners.

In the village combined Orthodoxy faith with Protestant. Together with the Pentecostal Orthodox Christians have spiritual and cultural education of rural youth.

Facilities. Facilities of the village is represented by the agricultural sector SPP "Mir", which specializes in breeding young cattle meat and dairy and feed-preparing basis for their detention – growing cereals, beets, corn, potatoes, etc.; private enterprise for the manufacture of  breeze blocks, private mills, sawmills, shopping places. There is a shop, coffee bar of the Sarny consumption union. Some history: to 2000-2001 years in the Korostska Sil’ska Rada territory there was the kolkhoz "Shevchenkivskiy". Under the conditions of  those times it was considered as one of the richest in region by the large number of cattle, young animals, pigs, horses. The quantity deposited by a State milk and meat (or meat like sausages, meat and canned vegetables, etc.) it belonged to the advanced. In the kolkhoz property was hop farm, line farm, cannery with sausage workshop, oil-converting, wood-working workshop, a mill and various vehicles. Kolkhoz maintained pre-school institutions in Korost, Odrynky, Male Verbche, schools (1 ten-year period and 2 eight-year period).

After receiving land shares, yesterday passed the farmers to rent their new director of  local SPP. Director – native inhabitant of Odrynky – Michael Czyz Ananiyovych seeks to raise neglected and devastated farm.

National events did not bypass our village. See Today most land distributed, some – privatized. People   felt themselves masters of their land and destiny and developing their own farm, housing, buys new equipment as threshing, tractors, cars, etc. They independently distribute dairy products, meat, young.

Contemporary migration in rural areas involves:

1) seasonal departure with male and female population on the field and construction work in the region, Ukraine and abroad (Russia);

2) training youth in vocational-technical and higher educational institutions;

3) social-domestic reasons that motivate people move out whole families to more fertile lands of Ukraine and even in America;

4) migration intrarayon or oblast importance related to place of work or employment (such as Sarny-Odrynky, Kuz'mivka (forest)-Odrynky, Korost-Odrynky ets.).

Present Problems. The village lives his life, a life the political, socio-economic and cultural. As in Ukraine in general and in our village too there are several problems of general and specific nature.

Pressing problems nationwide values are:

1. The problem employment and population of working  age, which share in the village over 70%. As a small village, with the agro-industrial production, then almost all people employed in the private sector; major portion of population in government agencies (for public works), the rest ot them are seasonal workers or unemployed who are registered with the district employment center.

2. The problem of migration of population in cities and other countries (America), associated with lack of employment opportunities in his village, the low-incom, disparity between supply and demand occupations in the labor market. Another important reason for migration is that almost half the population of the village – the people of Protestant faith, who can immigrate to our country. Common seasonal migration of male and female population.

3. The problem of  lack of roads and bridges with a solid foundation (coverage) to Korost, Kostyantynivka, Sarny. This problem results in poor transport connections to the Raion (district) and Oblast (province)  centers (bus does not go) (to go in Sarny or Rivne required to get to the Korost, that 3 km. from Odrynky).

4. Lack of centralized gas and water supply of the village.

5. The problem of mass entertainment because of the bad culture of the building with modern equipment, the absence of its own film library, the weakening of public activity of the population.

6. The problem associated with getting students the mandatory secondary education. Children leave 10-11 classes in Korost where there is a high school, but no transport links from Odrynky to Korost.

Категорія: Переклад | Додав: Klymets (25.04.2011)
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